Blue Mountain - October 30, 2021
11.38 miles 2120 ft elevation gain
Participants: Edna Blanchfield, Anne Dellwo, Mary Hanson, Dev the dog
Leader: Candy Hartman
We had a sunny, beautiful fall day for the hike and started at 9 am about 4 miles up the Blue Mountain road (the gravel road) at the mid-point trailhead. The trail we followed was the hiker-horse trail on the west side of the road. The casual pace up got us to the summit close to noon. The upper deck of the lookout was locked but we were able to climb the steep stairs to the second landing to take in the view of the surrounding area – the Missoula valley, Lolo peak, and Black mountain in particular with some of the further peaks obscured by high clouds. Lunch was enjoyed near the observatory after which we descended down to arrive at the vehicles around 3 pm.
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