Bozeman Ice Festival

Date: December 6-10, 2017
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Susanna Phillips, Brent Maier, Abby Stensland, Quentin Rhoades, Bjorn Nabozney, Gunnar Nabozney, Joren Nabozney, Chris Dunn, Forest Dean
A group of us made the trip to Bozeman for the 21st Annual Bozeman Ice Festival. Quentin rented a VRBO house for us all just three blocks from the Emerson (de facto headquarters for the festival). He, along with Susanna, Chris and Forest arrived on Wednesday. Everyone else drove down on Friday. Quentin also served as camp cook: elk chili, moose stew, and elk roast were his delectable dinner creations; he was also up early every morning cooking eggs, bacon, sausages, coffee, etc. Bring this guy on your trips! Bjorn donated all the beer (Big Sky)- bring him along too!
While the Emerson serves as the home base for the in-town evening activities for the Festival, Hyalite Canyon is where all the ice climbing takes place. Most festival attendees take one or more clinics while there. These clinics are run by the “who’s who” of the climbing/mountaineering world and can be very informative and fun. Whether you have never climbed ice, or are a seasoned pro, there are clinics for everyone. Most of us in the above list took at least one clinic while there. The rest of the time we all just found some ice…and climbed! Quentin and Susanna had clinics on Thursday. Chris and Forest climbed the Hangover and Upper Greensleeves formations. On Friday, the four of us teamed up and climbed up at Twin Falls. On Saturday, we split into two groups- Forest, Brent, Abby and Susanna climbed in the Genesis area, while Quentin, Bjorn and sons joined ice climbing superstar Whit Magro for some fun mixed climbing. Gunnar, Joren and Quentin all took clinics on Sunday. Bjorn climbed with an old friend up near the “Unnamed Wall”. The rest of us were tired and went home. Chris (being the vagabond he is) headed (on Saturday) to see The Foo Fighters in Billings prior to driving to Denver and jumping on an airplane for India.
It was a phenomenal several days. Great climbing, camaraderie and all around fun! Already looking forward to next year! Forest Dean
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