Castle Crag (Bitterroots) - June 29, 2024

Leaders: Ryan Gregson and Sean Colvin
Participants: Jennifer Osorio, Kaitlen Odell, Eli Kruse, Levi Stubblefield and Taryn Brahmsteadt
We hit the trail at about 8:30am in moderate temps and sunny skies. The 6 miles to Garrard Lake went by quickly. The trail is in good condition and in the trees for this stretch. We took a short break for some water and a snack ways with Jennifer, who was not interested in any scrambling on that day, we continued on, angling up hill to the west. The slope is steep to the ridge but nothing more than class three, if that. We followed the ridge for around a mile of class 3 talus, keeping to the left of any major obstacles before arriving at the summit around 2:30pm (if I remember correctly). We took some pictures and had a bite to eat before turning back. We descended a different path, as there was a long tongue of snow that went down into the head of the drainage that was too enticing for some of us not to glissade. Everyone got a little wet and had fun heading down mountain. We managed to tie into the trail between Knaack and Garrard Lakes. From there we had an uneventful, if long, walk back to the cars where we shared some snacks and adult beverages. Another great long day in the Bitteroots with excellent company!

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