Companion Rescue Practice Course - June 16-17, 2023
Participants: John Welter, Zach Robertson, Henry Williams, Francis Horton, Elizabeth Moore, Forest Dean
This was a rescheduled event from a rain-out weekend in April. We decided to hold this at The Heap near Lolo Hot Springs and also to camp near trailhead the night prior (Friday night). The six of us gathered that evening around a campfire and reviewed some of the basics of the gear, knots and systems used to attempt to rescue your partner if he/she became incapacitated in a technical climbing situation. On Saturday morning we hiked up to the Heap and put these skills into practice. We set up top ropes then went through three different rescue situations, all taking turns being the rescuer and the rescued. The weather didn’t exactly work in our favor; at one point it was pouring rain. But we all got some practice and learned a thing or two and made it a very worthwhile day. Thanks to all who participated! Forest Dean

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