Gash Point, Bitterroots

Date: April 7, 2018
Trip Leaders: Joshua Philips and Susanna Girolamo
Attendees: John Bardsley and Fintan Maguire
This turned out to be an unusual day in the mountains. The four of us met at 7am in the Cabela’s parking lot, then drove to within a couple of miles to the lower Gash Creek trailhead. During the previous night, temps must not have dropped much (if at all) below freezing, because the snow was wet, and temps stayed warm, from the truck all the way to the summit. After skiing a run into the north bowl, the forcasted storm finally hit, and it started pucking snow. We skinned out, then headed back down into Gash Creek, at which point high winds kicked in, and huge, healthy ponderosa pines started falling. We figure that between the four of us, we saw or heard 12 big trees fall. It was spooky, but the day was a great one!
Text by John Bardsley, Photos by Susanna Girolamo
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