1 min read

Glacier Classic, Day 2: Piegan Mountain

Date:  August 19, 2017

Trip Leader:  Alden Wright

Attendees:  Andy Coe, Elias Coe, Oliver Serang, Alden Wright

Vick Applegate was going to lead this climb, but he had an injury and couldn’t make it to the Glacier Classic.   Andy Coe and son Elias, Oliver Serang, and Alden Wright started at the Lunch Creek trailhead a little after 9.  Parking was no problem.  While there is no official trail, there are many unofficial trails through the brush above the trailhead.  We went up into the Lunch Creek basin toward Pollack mountain to about 7200’, and then went up and southeast towards Piegan Mtn.  We scrambled up one short cliff band, but could have gone around it by going further south.  We were going up steep scree toward the summit, and close to 8000’ Oliver said that he wasn’t comfortable going further.  Andy and Elias went on, but soon turned around.  We hiked back down to the basin and stopped to play in a snowfield.  There were lots of wildflowers and good views despite some smoke/haze from the Sprague fire.  We all very much enjoyed the climb.