Holland Peak (Swans) - August 6, 2022
Participants: Corey Hinshaw, Nate Bender, Stefan Kolis, Kim Pearce, Nick Triolo, James (?)
This was a trip that was officially posted on the events calendar. When it came down to a few days before the trip, the couple TRM members that were interested were unable to join. Holland Peak has been on my “to do” list for a few years, so I decided to send out an open invite to some other “peak baggers” I know. What started as just two of us going, quickly became a party of six, with three people I had not yet met. Turns out we were a party of six fast and efficient trail runners! At a very steady pace, we took the well defined and steep climber’s trail up to the lower, then upper rumble creek lakes. We then gained the ridge, scrambled on the very cool and slightly exposed sloping slab, and final push to the summit! We made great time, summiting in 2 hours 45 min. We had perfect weather, with not more than a faint breeze at the top. A few other members of the party had previously been turned from the summit due to bad weather, so it was extra rewarding for them to get it this time. On the way down, we contemplated Buck Peak for extra credit, but the cold beer waiting for us in the car sounded more tempting! Hopefully a few of the new folks I met decide to join the club! https://youtu.be/iYEvTJvtvS8

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