Level 1 Avalanche Course
Dates: January 31- February 3, 2019
Participants: Michael Langguth, Mary Langguth, Damon Anderson, Gunnar Ulberg, Nick Pritchard, Kelsey Wellington, TJ Jones, Kevin Maher, Dan Weiss, Hannah Talbott, Steve Hancock, Forest Dean
Last year we sent out a membership survey asking for feedback on several topics. One question asked about educational opportunities. An overwhelming response was folks wanted to see more “snow safety/avalanche awareness” offerings. As a result, the idea was born of holding a Level 1 Course exclusive to TRM. It turned into a great success!
The course was led by the very knowledgeable folks from (or contracted by) the West Central Montana Avalanche Center. Spencer Bradford, Todd Glew and Raina Phillips led the Thursday/Friday evening classroom sessions. Raina and her husband George Dangelo led the full day Saturday/Sunday field sessions at Lost Trail Pass. We covered the broad spectrum in class, discussing avalanche basics, weather, terrain, snowpack, gear and human factors. In the field we worked with our transceivers on Saturday to find “victims” and then moved on to digging snowpits and learning how to evaluate what we were seeing. On a very snowy and blustery Sunday, we went out on a short, all day ski tour, to view and discuss in a “live” setting, all that we had learned the previous 3 days. The education was invaluable.
To make it even more fun, 6 of us ended up renting a nice cabin about 20 minutes from the pass on Saturday night! It was fun getting to hang out with some new friends (most of us didn’t know each other prior to this Course).
Thanks to all who participated and made this a very fun and educational weekend. Our instructors were top notch! We look forward to offering this Course again next winter. Forest Dean
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