Little Tin Cup Peak (Bitterroots) - August 13, 2022
Participants: Corey Hinshaw, Andrew Twardowski
Checking off Bitterroot 9k peak number 18 off the list! Andrew and I got an early start to drive down to Chaffin Creek trailhead. At about 5.5 miles up the trail, we branched off to go up a south facing gulley that spits you out into the little tin cup hanging valley. From there its a pleasant march up to the summit. We had plenty of time, so we decided to walk the north ridge over to the unofficially named Little Tin Cup Point. After completing this trip, I have now completed every named high point in the Chaffin drainage! (Little Tin Cup Peak, The Shard, The Shard west summit, Chaffin Point (peak 9238), West Chaffin Peak (peak 9340), “The Tusk” (peak 9486), and Sugarloaf. Can you tell it is one of my favorite areas in the Bitterroot?

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