McLeod Peak, Rattlesnake

Date: July 8, 2018
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Participants: Jen Bardsley, Susanna Girolamo, and Leah Samberg
I listed this trip last summer, and it was cancelled due to fires, so I offered it again this year. At the last minute, two people cancelled, so there were only four of us. We left the Rattlesnake Trail Head at 6.30am on bikes. The ride to the wilderness boundary took about 2.5 hours, where we stashed our bikes and put on running shoes. From there, we followed the trail up Rattlesnake Creek until the creek draining the lakes just south of McLeod enters from the northwest. There are various ways through this off trail section, all heading in a general northwest direction toward the peak, and we took a different way down than up. We all reached the summit at 12.30pm, began our descent at 1pm, and were back at the cars at 6:30pm. It was great day with a great group of ladies.
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