TRM Cabin Weekend- February 7-9, 2020

Date: Feb 7 – 9
Attendees: Paul Jensen (leader), Doug Grisham, Forest Dean, Fintan Mcguire, John Bardsley, Matt Roscoe
It was exciting to be heading up to the cabin with so much new snow out there! Doug Grisham and I started out mid morning from the locked gate anticipating difficult trail breaking conditions. We soon realized a lone skier had already broken the trail so we had an easier trip up to the cabin than we might have otherwise. John Bardsley and Matt Roscoe headed up in the early afternoon and Forest Dean and Fintan McGuire followed later that afternoon. After settling in a bit (the cabin was in good shape) some of us went up and did a run down the south ridge in fairly deep powder. Yahoo! Soon we were all in the cabin doing the usual having drinks, cooking food and listening to music. In the morning the 6 of us skied up to the top of Little St Joe. It was a stormy, windy day but it was still mostly good powder, especially below the summit a ways. After a couple longer runs we headed back to the cabin to warm up and enjoy some more cabin life. On Sunday the weather was looking better so some of us went up and did a final run in great snow. The trip out wasn’t bad because of the deeper snow conditions. All in all it was a great time up there. Paul Jensen

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