1 min read

Stonewall Creek Backcountry Skiing

Date: January 26, 2019
Trip Leader: Joshua Phillips
Attendees: Minot Maser, Thomas, Paul Jensen

Minot, Josh, Thomas and I drove as far as we could towards the Stonewall Cr trailhead and from there proceeded up into Stonewall Cr with the help of Minots snowmobile.  There was some nice powder down low but we could tell there had been a lot of wind up high.  After leaving the creek we skinned up to the ridge and did a run back down through some pretty nice snow.  It was only wind effected slightly.  On our way back up we followed the track of 2 Helena guys.  We continued past where they turned around and made our way to the summit (unnamed).  We had some great views through scattered clouds before heading down through some challenging, wind packed powder.  Lower down the snow again became nice.  Our trip out with the snowmobile was quick and easy. Paul Jensen