Sweeney Peak

Sweeney Peak, Bitteroot Mountains
Saturday June 15, 2019
Participants: Dori G, Hannah and Luke, Alden W, Karen K, Jacob F, leaders Susanna Girolamo Phillips & co-leader Fintan Maguire
I scheduled this trip last year but I didn’t have any takers. So I decided to offer it again this time. To my surprise I had a dozen people interested in joining the trip. However, nine of us went up the mountain.
We met early in Missoula and carpooled to Sweeney Trailhead. At 7:33 AM we started our hike up the trail. If you continue on this trail it will take you to Peterson Lake. But our plan was to get off the trail just above the natural water spring, at about 7’600 ft and hike the rest of the way along the ridge to the summit.
The previous wildfires still show its scarred landscape, a field of burned standing trees as far as the eye can see. Walking through it felt being on a different planet.
Once we reached the top we took a nice break, refueled on food and enjoyed the beautiful weather we were blessed with. We got back to the car around 1:55 PM.
Susanna Girolamo Phillips
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