TRM Cabin Workday
Date: October 6, 2018
Participants: Paul Jensen, Maria Cassidy, Doug Grisham, Dave Fox, Dave Kahl, Julie Kahl, Lance Cherry, Rosemary Polichio, Mary Dalton, Forest Dean
We enjoyed a solid turnout for our annual Cabin Workday with 10 folks pitching in to get things ready for the winter recreation season. Paul and Dave Fox carried chainsaws up the 1.5 miles and 1200’ to the cabin and cut down a few dead trees. The rest of us hauled, split, stacked, cleaned the cabin and just generally tidied up. We started at 10am and were mostly done by noon. Enjoyed a bit of lunch inside (it was snowing outside) while discussing possible future repairs and policies. Julie and Dave donated a nice new big pot for melting water (thank you!!). Around 1:30pm we headed back down the short trail to the parking area and then decided to eat again! We lingered around until about 5:00pm eating brats and hot dogs and drinking beer around a campfire. Kris Cahoon, Steve Schombel and Lois Crepeau showed up and helped support this all important socializing part of the day! Thank you to all who helped! Forest Dean
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