West and East Goat Peak (Pintlers) - July 9, 2022
Participants: Josh Lewis, Casey Lammers, Corey Hinshaw
This was a pleasant climb up to the high point of the Pintler range. We all decided to car camp at the trailhead in order to get an early start. The trail was in decent shape, aside from all of the mud and cow pies from open range cattle. We left the trail a little after 5 miles, and hiked up a short but steep talus slope to get into the gorgeous lost lakes area. From there we aimed up toward East Goat peak first, then along the ridge and over saddle mountain, over to West Goat. We placed a new summit registrar at the summit and signed it, and descended back down into the Lost Lakes cirque to enjoy lunch! ~ 15 miles RT, and 4700 vert.

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