Pack Creek (Lolo Pass)- December 1, 2019
Date: Sun. Dec. 1st, 2019
Participants: Steve Schombel, David & Julie Kahl
We went out to a frozen pick-up door and were late getting to the meeting place, so I don’t know if someone else came and left, but Steve Schombel was still there, and we went up to Lolo Pass in our Tacoma. There was only 3-5 inches/ 7.62-12.7cm of snow, but people were reporting good skiing on the roads where the snow was packed. We hadn’t brought skis with us, and there wasn’t enough snow to snowshoe on, even on the roads. We hiked down the Pack Cr. Road to the Pack Creek bridge, a snowmobile had gone down that way, and in places it track had stirred up dirt. We had lunch sitting on the bridge rail, then hiked back to the Visitors’ Center. It was a nice day to be out, and to meet with a few other people that were skiing. We snow hiked a little over 3 miles/4.82k.
They were thinking they would start to require parking stickers next weekend.
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