Backcountry Ski Cabin

The Rocky Mountaineers maintain a small unimproved cabin on the eastern slopes of Little St. Joseph Peak, the 9033' point to the east of St. Joseph Peak in the Bitterroot Mountains. It was built in the 1970’s by club members Bob Benson, Bill Morgan, Paul Jensen and others, to replace a cabin across the Bass Creek drainage at Lappi Lake that was in the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness area. The cabin has several sleeping platforms, a cooking area, and a wood stove in its center. Built on a hillside, access is through a door in its floor. A small A-Frame outhouse sits about 50 feet away.
The Club maintains this cabin via a Special Use Permit with the Bitterroot National Forest. The permit allows for "winter use only" (this means the cabin can only be used when there is snow on the ground around the cabin). The cabin is locked and is intended for TRM Member use only. As a requirement of the Permit, we purchase and maintain Liability Insurance which is paid for by membership dues.
If you are a member and would like to use reserve a stay at the cabin, please take a look at the cabin calendar for available dates and then email Forest ( We do strongly encourage folks with a small group (2-3 people) to share the cabin with another small group. If the dates you would like to go are "booked" reach out to Forest to see if there is space available.