Women’s/Genderqueer Strength Building Workshop with Esther Smith, DPT
Friday, March 7th 6-8PM - Freestone Climbing Center, 1200 Shakespeare Drive
$15 per TRM member $25 per non-member
Learn to
Mill Point (Bitterroots)- February 22, 2025
Date: February 22. 2025
Participants: Kimberly Meade-White, Paul Jensen, Sean Parslow, Forest Dean, Bily Brown, Tony LeBaron, Dexter Hale
TRM Cabin Weekend - January 31-February 2, 2025
Participants: Elizabeth Smith, Forest Dean, Corey Hinshaw, Stefan Kolis, Kevin Ewing, Francis Horton
Another great weekend of skiing up above
Ward Mountain (Bitterroots) - January 25, 2025
Participants: Kimberly Meade-White, Paul Jensen, Ted Kays, Rupert Williams, Taryn Brahmsteadt, Dori Gilels, Eli Kruse, Sean Parslow, Ben Bagniewski, Susanna
Lolo Pass Winter Outing - December 1, 2024
Participants: David and Julie Kahl
It was Thanksgiving weekend, there were folks who wanted to go but had other obligations,
Black Mountain - November 23, 2024
Participants: Kaitlen O'Dell, Drew Iaderosa, Duncan Lennon
Trip Leader: Ryan Gregson
We started the day off with a
Black Cat Gulch - October 13, 2024
Participants: David & Julie Kahl
It was another of those incredible fall days, perfect for hiking except the air quality,
Union Peak (Swans) - September 29, 2024
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Jacob Potter, Kevin Ewing
The three of us departed the south side of Missoula at 6am
Heart Lake (Great Burn) - September 3, 2024
Participants: David & Julie Kahl
We were busy over the weekend and decided to shift this trip one day, to
Telephone Butte - June 30, 2024
Participants: David and Julie Kahl
We gave it a gallant try. It was a perfect day, in the 60’s/
Castle Crag (Bitterroots) - June 29, 2024
Leaders: Ryan Gregson and Sean Colvin
Participants: Jennifer Osorio, Kaitlen Odell, Eli Kruse, Levi Stubblefield and Taryn Brahmsteadt
We hit
Sweeney Peak (Bitterroots) - June 22, 2024
Participants: Larry Abramson, Kimberly Meade, Edna Blanchfield, Jacob Potter, Tom Stalz,
Leaders: Susanna Girolamo Phillips & Candy Hartman
Sweeney Peak
Ch-paa-qn Peak – June 8, 2024
Trip Leader: Susanna Girolamo Phillips
Participants: Edna Blanchfield, Michael Shroyer, Brian Forgeron
“The hardest part of this trip is getting
Deerlodge Valley Excursion - May 26, 2024
Participants: Becky & Gary Jones, David & Julie Kahl
This trip had three parts to it, it was postponed from
St Mary Peak (Bitterroots) - May 18, 2024
Leader: Sean Colvin
Participants: Kaitlen ODell, Jay Osorio
We left Missoula around 6:45 and made it to the summer
Alberton Rest Stop Rock Climbing - May 11, 2024
Leader: Sean Colvin
Participants: Forest Dean, Francis Horton, Levi Stubblefield
Our Spring Fling rock climbing trip started with the four
El Capitan (Bitterroots) - May 4-5, 2024
Little Rock Creek (Bitterroots)
Date: May 4-5, 2024
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Brent Maier, Carson Ramsden, Sam Lashley
This trip
Biking Going To Sun Road - April 27, 2024
Participants: Kimberly Meade-White, Paul Jensen, Joan Schumacher, Laurel Vielle
The forecast leading up to the weekend didn’t look promising
Heavenly Twins (Bitterroots) - April 14, 2024
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Elizabeth Moore, Francis Horton
Way back in 2016, I completed a Heavenly Twins traverse with Brent
Woody Mountain - April 14, 2024
Participants: Steve Schombel, David & Julie Kahl
It was hot…temperatures in the valley today got up to 77/24c
Snow Climbing and Glacier Travel Field Days - April 12-13, 2024
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Elizabeth Moore, Haley Eakin, Luke Jacobsen, Kimberly Meade White, Paul Jensen, Kyle Goeke, Sam Watson, Cory
Cherry Gulch (North Hills) - March 24, 2024
Particpants: Becky and Gary Jones, David and Julie Kahl
It’s a season where we defaulted to a “nature hike”
TRM Cabin Weekend - March 1-3, 2024
Leader: Paul Jensen
Participants: Kimberly Meade-White, Zach Robertson, Matt Roscoe, Francis Horton, Elizabeth Moore, Forest Dean
On Friday, March 1
Lolo Pass Ski Tour (Winterfest)
Leaders: Forest Dean and Mark Albrecht
Participants: Sean Colvin, Megan Apple, Ryan Gregson, Kevin Gregson, Francis Horton, Zach Robertson, Brook
Lolo Pass to Crystal Ampitheater - January 6, 2024
This route is an interesting cross country alternative to the groomed Lolo pass ski trails. It is a 6 mile
Lolo Pass Winter Outing - December 10, 2023
Participants: Alden Wright, David & Julie Kahl
Finally a winter outing, that was real winter. There were only a few
Hyalite Canyon Ice Climbing Trip - Nov 24-26, 2023
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Jim Semmelroth, Alec Cottrell, Joe Wagner
Jim and I both drove our van/campers over to
19th Annual Kercher Glacier Classic - August 17-20, 2023
Once again a great group of us all joined up for our annual pilgrimage known as the Kercher Glacier Classic.
Whites Mtn and East Whites - August 4, 2023
Leader: Corey Hinshaw
Participants: Laurel Vielle, Josh Lewis, Anne Dellwo
The four of us headed out early on August 4th
Benchmark to Hungry Horse - July 21-23, 2023
Leaders: Forest Dean, Elizabeth Moore
Participants: Alec Cottrell, Ethan Levin, Francis Horton, Sean Colvin
This little adventure was a long
McDonald Peak (Missions) - July 1-2, 2023
Leader: Corey Hinshaw
Participants: Forest Dean, Stefan Kolis, Anne Dellwo, Kevin Ewing
This peak had been on my list for
North Canyon Peak (Bitterroots) - July 1, 2023
The first of July found six eager climbers in the Bitterroot Mountains just west of Hamilton on Canyon Creek. Our
Companion Rescue Practice Course - June 16-17, 2023
Participants: John Welter, Zach Robertson, Henry Williams, Francis Horton, Elizabeth Moore, Forest Dean
This was a rescheduled event from a
Mt. Adams (Cascades) - June 9-12, 2023
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Elizabeth Moore, Erin Carey, Ethan Levin
Due to a poor forecast, we decided to head west
Triangle Peak (Rattlesnake) - June 4, 2023
Participants: Forest Dean, Taylor Brugh, Taylor’s neighbor Peter, Stefan Kolis, Corey Hinshaw
Going after this seldom visited peak to
Baudette Creek - June 4, 2023
Participants: Jaynee Levy, Dave Gonzales, Steve Schombel, David and Julie Kahl
This was called the Burdette Cr. Trail #2, wondering
Lubrecht E Trail - May 14, 2023
Participants: David & Julie Kahl
With it being Mother’s Day it was no surprise that it was only David
Cha-paa-qn Peak - May 13, 2023
Trip Leader: Susanna Girolamo Phillips
Participants: Candy Hartman, Stephanie
We started the day with little information on the condition of
Cold Peak (Missions) - April 29-30, 2023
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Elizabeth Moore, Sarah Kilbourne
This 8522’ peak, with its seldom glimpsed striking west couloir, is perhaps
East Saint Mary’s Peak (Mission Mtns) - April 16, 2023
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Elizabeth Moore, Leland Earls, Ryan Gregson
I’ve been up the standard southeast ridge on East
Lubrecht Trails - April 16, 2023
Participants: Steve Schombel, Vick Applegate, David & Julie Kahl
I thought I had the Lubrecht Trail system figured out, but
Marshall Canyon - March 19, 2023
Participants: Steve Schombel, David and Julie Kahl
This was neither an epic or even strenuous snow hike, exploring what the
Larry Creek Loop (Bitterroots) - March 12, 2023
We had a very pleasant hike with Dave and Julie, two old friends, and Vic A., who joins us sometimes.
Crystal Amphitheater Ski Tour (Winterfest) - January 7, 2023
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Elizabeth Moore, Chris Soriano, Scott Williams, Joe Wagner, Mark Albrecht, Ashley Prunier, Tim Ward, Sean Colvin,
Lee Creek - January 7, 2023
Participants: Michael Young, David & Julie Kahl
I have been leading this trip, almost every year, for over 20 years
Lolo Pass Winter Outing - December 11, 2022
Participants: Steve Schombel, David and Julie Kahl
It was snowing all day at Lolo Pass, we met at 9:30
East Boulder Peak (Bitterroots) - December 3, 2022
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Brent Maier, Frank Dean, Tim Ward, Jacob McFarlane
A couple winters ago, Brent had skied up
Lolo Pass -November 27, 2022
Participants: Steve Schombel, David and Julie Kahl
Though this trip was slated for Lolo Pass, with a winter storm coming
Cedar Peak Trail Project (Great Burn) - September 23-25, 2022
Participants: Great Burn ranger Rory, Great Burn representative Kat, Rocky Mountaineer members Arthur Endsley, Forest Dean, Jim Semmelroth, Cathy Semmelroth,
Petty Mountain - September 17, 2022
Participants: Gail & Dell Meuchel, Mark Albrecht, Candy Hartman, Cathy & Jim Semmelroth
We knew we had a lucky day
18th Annual Kercher Glacier Classic - August 18-21, 2022
Divide Creek Campground, St. Mary, Montana
Another year and another great Classic! 33 of us made the trip to St.
Little Tin Cup Peak (Bitterroots) - August 13, 2022
Participants: Corey Hinshaw, Andrew Twardowski
Checking off Bitterroot 9k peak number 18 off the list! Andrew and I got an
Holland Peak (Swans) - August 6, 2022
Participants: Corey Hinshaw, Nate Bender, Stefan Kolis, Kim Pearce, Nick Triolo, James (?)
This was a trip that was officially posted
Koch Mountain (Bitterroots) - July 23, 2022
Participants: Corey Hinshaw and Adam Drobish
This was another Bitterroot 9ker checked off the list. Adam was interested in joining,
Nee Me Poo Trail (Lolo Pass) - July 22-24, 2022
Participants: Steve Schombel, David & Julie Kahl
The Nee Me Poo (NMP) trail was just one part of a longer
West and East Goat Peak (Pintlers) - July 9, 2022
Participants: Josh Lewis, Casey Lammers, Corey Hinshaw
This was a pleasant climb up to the high point of the Pintler
Peak 8650 (Missions) - July 2, 2022
Participants: Forest Dean, Kevin Ewing
Kevin and I met up at the Wye at 6am and headed north. We were
Babcock Mountain - June 25, 2022
Babcock Mountain Trail #10 in Rock Creek.
I was joined on this hike by Dave and Julie Kahl, who had
Lolo Peak (Bitterroots) - June 22, 2022
Lolo Peak summit climb, planned for 18 June (canceled due to weather), actual 22 June.
Participant: Mark Albrecht
Anne Dellwo
Dean Stone Trails - May 7, 2022
Participants: Carolyn Pardini, Lily and Mariah Haines, Gail & Dell Meuchel, Robin Young, Laurel Vielle, Lee Thornton, Ruth Anderson, Steve
Petty Mountain Report - May 7, 2022
Trip Leader: Jim Semmelroth
Participants: Candy Hartman, Peter DiFurio, Cathy Semmelroth, and me
It was raining at 9 am so
Calf Creek - May 1, 2022
This hike went pretty much as described. Like we thought last year, the first left near a large
rock outcropping
Mittower Gulch to Marshall Mtn - April 10, 2022
This was a fairly straight forward hike, we’ve done this a lot as an early season, tick reduced hike,
Old Mullan Road (Alberton) - March 20, 2022
It was a hard day to dress for, the weather reports said we could find a dusting of snow at
TRM Cabin Weekend - March 18-20, 2022
This trip to the Rocky Mountaineers cabin was the usual mix of great company and great skiing. Well, I would
TRM Cabin Weekend - February 25-27, 2022
On Friday Feb 25 Kimberly Meade-White and I started the tour up to the cabin around 11 while John Bardsley
Lee Creek (Lolo Pass area) - January 23, 2022
Participants: Peter DiFurio, David and Julie Kahl It was the best of conditions, it was, almost, the worst of conditions,
Lolo Hot Springs Snowshoe - January 15, 2022
Participants: Steve Schombel, Julie Kahl While waiting for any “Maybe-s” to show up at the bar at Lolo Hot springs,
Pattee Canyon XC Ski - January 2, 2022
January 2, 2022
Saddle between Deer Creek and Miller Creek
This was a hybrid trip with Thursday Night Mountain Bike
Ward Mountain (Bitterroots)- December 21, 2021
Date: December 21, 2021
Participants: Candy Hartman, Megan Apple, Jordan Martin, Forest Dean
Four of us headed down the Bitterroot
Lolo Pass Winter Outing - December 19, 2021
Participants: Steve Schombel, Peter DiFurio, Eric, Mitch, Shirley & Tracy Hall, David & Julie Kahl
When it seemed that we
Mt. Dean Stone - November 13, 2021
11.94 miles, 2415 elevation gain
Participants: Peter Difurio, Jenny Parker
Leader: Candy Hartman
The hike began at the Sousa
Blue Mountain - October 30, 2021
11.38 miles 2120 ft elevation gain
Participants: Edna Blanchfield, Anne Dellwo, Mary Hanson, Dev the dog
Leader: Candy Hartman
Clearwater Crossing (Great Burn) - October 17, 2021
Participants Steve Schombel, Peter Rice, Christann Schmid & Dog, Cooper, David & Julie Kahl
It was another incredible autumn day!
Ch-Paa-Qn Peak - October 9, 2021
Leader: Elizabeth Smith Moore & girls
Participants: Astrid Moore (13), Campbell Moore (9), Christy Knuchel, Brynlee Knuchel (9)
The five
Hidden Lake Peak (Bitterroots) - October 3, 2021
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Tom Statz, Arthur Endsley, Raymond Cavalcante, Corey Hinshaw, Elizabeth Moore
The six of us met at
Ogden Mtn - September 25, 2021
Participants: David and Julie Kahl
Ogden Mt. FINALLY! And how about that day, could we have had a better day
The Shard and The Tusk (Bitterroots) - September 11-12, 2021
Dates: September 11-12, 2021
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Corey Hinshaw, Andrew Twardowski, Leland Earls
On a great early fall weekend,
Glacier Classic 2021 - August 19-22, 2021
17TH Annual Glacier Classic- August 19-22, 2021
Divide Creek Campground, St. Mary, Montana
After a year in near hiatus (only
Brushy Fork (Lolo Pass area) - July 4, 2021
Trip Report for Brushy Fork Marmot Study Hike.
Date: July 4, 2021
Co-leaders: Alden Wright & Jim Semmelroth
We did
Oregon Lakes Marmot Hike - June 26, 2021
Oregon Lakes Trip Report June 26, 2021
This trip was part of the Marmot Madness proposal described at http://hs.
Ogden Mtn - June 6, 2021
Ogden Mt. Sun. June 6th, 2021
Participants: Steve Schombel, David & Julie Kahl
On Sat. June 5th, Steve came to
Little Park Creek - May 30, 2021
We first explored this route last fall, driving to a parking area at the end of the Skyline Road, on
Lolo Canyon - April 11, 2021
Participants: Steve Schombel, Laura Lindquist, David & Julie Kahl
There Be The Ticks!
It was a perfect day. Weather leading
TRM Cabin Weekend - March 27-28, 2021
TRM Cabin Weekend
Dates: March 27-28, 2021
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Leland Earls, Corey
Another good weekend spent at
Lolo Pass XC Ski - March 7, 2021
I didn’t get any takers for this trip, not surprising considering spring skiing conditions and Sunday Covid vaccination clinics.
Lolo Pass XC Ski - December 13, 2020
Participants: Alden Wright, David and Julie Kahl
You know it was a successful trip when Alden comes back tired! But
Lolo Pass XC Ski - November 29, 2020
Participants: Tom Statz, Peter Rice, David and Julie Kahl
My opting to meet a half hour earlier than I had
Cabin Workday and 60th Anniversary Party - October 10, 2020
Date: October 10, 2020
Leader: Elizabeth Moore
Participants for Workday: Lance C., Alden W., David K., Dean S.,
Al B.
Sheep Mountain - October 3, 2020
Lance Cherry and Odette Grassi joined Alden Wright for a hike up Sheep Mountain via the Gold Creek trailhead. To
Canyon Peak (Bitterroots) - October 3, 2020
Canyon Peak (Bitterroots)
Date: October 3, 2020
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Bryan Kercher, Corey Hinshaw
I had listed this trip
Hyndman Peak/Devil’s Bedstead East (Pioneer Range, ID) - September 25-27, 2020
Dates: September 25-27, 2020
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Elizabeth Moore, Bryan Kercher, Sam Hathcock
A group of 4 of us
Little Park Creek Hike - September 20, 2020
Every Thing You Wanted To Know About The Little Park Cr. Rd. and were afraid to ask
Sun. Sept. 20th,
Glacier Classic 2020 - August 22-23, 2020
16TH Annual Glacier Classic- August 22-23, 2020
This was an extreme scaled back version of our annual Glacier Classic. Not
Swan Peak (Swans) - July 11, 2020
On a bluebird morning a combined group of Rocky Mountaineers and Glacier Mountaineering Society climbers started up the gated grassy
Jones Mtn - June 20, 2020
Participants: Steve Schombel, Alden Wright, David & Julie Kahl
A tale of two trips and Inreach learning curve.
June 11th:
Spotted Dog WMA - May 31, 2020
Particiants: David & Julie Kahl
Another great day at the Spotted Dog Wildlife Management Area. Because it was suppose to
Lost River Range - May 22-25, 2020
Dates: May 22-25, 2020
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Fintan Maguire, Maryellen Maguire, Simone Maguire, Frank Dean, Seth Anderson, Brock Rugg,
Snow Climbing and Glacier Travel- Field Days - May 16-17, 2020
Dates: May 16-17, 2020
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Corey Hinshaw, Fain McGough, Sam Hathcock, Esther Delsordo, Rhys McKinstry, Leland Earls
TRM Cabin Weekend- February 7-9, 2020
Date: Feb 7 – 9
Attendees: Paul Jensen (leader), Doug Grisham, Forest Dean, Fintan Mcguire, John Bardsley, Matt Roscoe
It was
Pack Creek (Lolo Pass) - February 2, 2020
Date: Sun. Feb. 2nd, 2020
Particiants: Roy Regel, Renee Snyder, Jay Mass, Paul and Judy Sommerfeld, David & Julie (trip
Ward Mountain (Bitterroots) - January 5, 2020
Date: Sunday Jan 5, 2020
Participants: Forest Dean, Frank Dean, Brent Meyer, Fintan Marguie, Adam Drobish, Dexter Hale, Tom Jones
Lee Creek (Lolo Pass) - January 5, 2020
Date: Sun. Jan. 5th, 2020
Particiants: Alden wright, Roy Regel, Nicole Ichtertz, David Kahl
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
We met
Bonner Mountain - December 28, 2019
Date: December 28, 2019.
Attending: Bryan Kercher, Laurel Vielle
Bryan and I started our hike right at 8:00 the
Sweeney Peak (Bitterroots) - December 28, 2019
Date: December 28, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Chelsea Leven, Erin Carey, Frank Dean, Brock Rugg
The 5 of us
Bobcat Creek (Lolo Pass) - December 15, 2019
Trip report Badger Creek XC ski. December 15, 2019
After minimal snow all fall even at high elevations, we finally
Pack Creek (Lolo Pass)- December 1, 2019
Date: Sun. Dec. 1st, 2019
Participants: Steve Schombel, David & Julie Kahl
We went out to a frozen pick-up door
Hyalite Canyon/Ice Climbing - November 23-24, 2019
Date: November 23-24, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Taylor Brugh, Hannah Anderson, Kurt Krueger, Bryan Kercher, Joren Nabozney, Frank Dean,
Borah Peak (Lost River Range) - November 10, 2019
Date: November 12, 2019
Participants: Forest Dean and Taylor Brugh
I had originally scheduled and planned this North Face climb
Lolo Pass - November 3, 2019
Date: Sun. Nov. 3rd, 2019
Participants: Steve Schombel, David & Julie Kahl
Colleen from the Lolo Pass Visitors’ Center had
Moss and Cedar Peaks (Missions) - October 27, 2019
Date: 10/27/19
Attendees: Adam Drobish, Joe Maesar
Trip Leader: Laurel Vielle
On the date of the climb three
Old Railroad Grade/Whittaker Bridge (Blackfoot) - October 20, 2019
Date: Sun. Oct. 20th, 2019
Participants: Carla McColly, Steve Schombel, David & Julie Kahl
All week the weather for Sunday
Kakashe Mountain (Missions) - October 13, 2019
Date: October 13, 2019
Co-Leaders: Elizabeth Moore & Casey Lammers
Participants: Jennifer Franklin
On a beautiful, blue bird fall morning,
The Helmet & Sphinx (Madison Range) - October 12, 2019
Date: October 12, 2019
Trip Leader: Laurel Vielle
Attendees: Anne Dellwo, Bryan Kercher, Britt and Sussie Lindsey and Dev the
Joe Peaks Traverse (Bitterroots) - October 6, 2019
Date: October 6, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Dori Gilels, Minot Maser, Laurel Vielle, Andrew Koopman
The five of us
Ahern Peak Loop: Glacier Classic, Day 2
Date: August 17, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participant: Bryan Kercher, Dori Gilels, Josh Krantz, Josh Ashton, Frank Dean, Seth Andersen,
Clements and Cannon: Glacier Classic, Day 1
Date: August 17, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participant: Bryan Kercher and Fintan Maguire
The three of us started out from
GMS/TRM High Park, Mission Mountains
Date: 9/7/19
Trip Leader: Laurel Vielle
Attendees: Erin Carey, Adam Drobish, and Bryan Kercher
On a very wet
Mount Cannon, Glacier National Park
Trip Leader: Paul Jensen
Date: August 18, 2019
Attendees: Jen & John Bardsley, Minot Maiser, and Nick Pritchard
Photos by
Goat Mountain, Glacier National Park
Date: August 17, 2019
Trip leader: Eric Jones
Participants: Minot Maser, Andrew Coe, Eric Jones, Elizabeth Moore, Jennica, and five
Wind River Range - August 30-September 8, 2019
Dates: August 30- September 8, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participant: Josh Ashton, Mick Manley, Rob Edington, Brent Maier, Abby Maier
Reynolds Mountain, Glacier National Park
Date: August 16, 2019
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Attendees: Jennifer Bardsley, Jennifer Franklin, Kris Cahoon, Henry Cahoon, Jim Goss, Josh
Mount Siyeh, Glacier National Park
Date: August 17, 2019
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Attendees: Jen Bardsley, Paul Jensen, Dexter Hale, Arthur Endsley
Photos by Dexter
Mt. Gould Climb (W. Face), Glacier National Park
Trip leader: Fintan Maguire
Participants: Nick Prichard, Henry Cahoon, Chris Cahoon
Stats: 2907 ft elevation gain, 6 miles round trip,
Grey Wolf Peak (NE Ridge), Mission Mountains
Trip leader: Fintan Maguire
Participants: Brent Maier, Adam Drobish
Stats: 6000 ft elevation gain (we likely did 7000 ft.), Class
Shangri La Loop, Glacier National Park
Date: August 17, 2019
Trip leaders: Joshua and Susanna G Phillips
Participants: Alden Wright, Edna Blanchfield, Jim Goss, Marina Sonora,
McCormick Peak, Reservation Divide
Date: August 11, 2019
Trip Leader: Alden Wright
Attendees: Arthur Endsley
I advertised this as a hike to McCormick and
15th Annual Glacier Classic - August 17-19, 2019
Date: August 16-18, 2019
Divide Creek Campground, St. Mary, Montana
We shifted the basecamp for this year’s Glacier Classic
Fisher Peak, Swan Range
Date: July 27, 2019
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Attendees: Jen Bardsley and Alec Patterson
There was no interest in my
Sonielem Peak (Missions) - July 20, 2019
Date: July 20, 2019
Trip Leader: Laurel Vielle
Attendees: see below
For the first time this season, we had a
Swan Crest Traverse (Swan Range) - July 20, 2019
Date: July 20, 2019
Trip leader Susanna Girolamo Phillips
Participants: Jacob Fromm and Kristopher Cahoon
I have done this great
Scapegoat Mountain, Bob Marshall Wilderness
Date: July 6 – 7, 2019
Participants: Dori Gilels, Casey Lammers, Minot Maser and trip leader Susanna Girolamo Phillips
The Bob
Saint Joseph Peak, Bitterroot Mountains,
Date: June 29, 2019
Trip Leader: Susanna Girolamo Phillips
Participants: Dori Gilels & Leah Samberg-Story
Reaching the summit of Saint
Sweeney Peak, Bitteroot Mountains
Saturday June 15, 2019
Participants: Dori G, Hannah and Luke, Alden W, Karen K, Jacob F, leaders Susanna Girolamo Phillips
Sweeney Peak
Sweeney Peak, Bitteroot Mountains
Saturday June 15, 2019
Participants: Dori G, Hannah and Luke, Alden W, Karen K, Jacob F,
Wild Horse Island
Date: June 9th, 2019
Trip leader: Julie Kahl
Participants: Lisa Robertson, Briana -12, Elizabeth, Ernst, John -9 & Julia -13
Trapper Peak, BC-Ski, Bitteroot Mountains
Date: Saturday June 1, 2019
Participants: Fintan Maguire, Dexter Hale, Tanya Hacker, Casey Lammers, Tom Jones (TJ) & Susanna Girolamo
Trapper Peak, BC-Ski, Bitteroot Mountains
Date: Saturday June 1, 2019
Participants: Fintan Maguire, Dexter Hale, Tanya Hacker, Casey Lammers, Tom Jones (TJ) & Susanna Girolamo
Lost River Range
Dates: May 24-27, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Fintan Maguire, Rob Edington, Erin Carey, Carl Sunderman, Evan Sunderman, Brent Maier,
Inez Creek Trail
Date: May 19th, 2019
Participants: Mary Dalton, David and Julie Kahl
Of everybody that hoped to come on this trip,
Lolo Peak, Bitterroot Mountains
Saturday May 18, 2019
Participants: Adam Drobish, Tiffany Flanagan, & trip leader Susanna Girolamo Phillips and co-leader Tom Jones (TJ)
McDonald Peak, Missions
Date: May 11, 2019
Trip Leader: Joshua Philips
Brent Maier and I teamed up to co-lead this classic tour. We
St. Mary Peak, Bitterroot
Four of us met up for this casual day of ski touring on St. Mary Peak in the Bitterroot. Jennifer
Ch-paa-qn Peak, Nine Mile Range, MT
Date: May 4, 2019
Trip Leader: Susanna Girolamo Phillips & co-leader Tom Jones
Participants: Lou Herritt, Jim Greenfield, Doug Thorsen
The Heap- Rock Climbing
Date: May 4, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Minot Maser, Frank Dean, Jake Fromm, Josh Ashton, Casey Lammers, Nolan Lammers,
Bell Mountain, Lemhi Range
Date: April 26-28, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Carl Sunderman, Fintan Maguire, Brent Maier
After failing on a chance for
Trapper Peak, Bitterroots
Date: April 27, 2019
Trip Leader: Bryan Kercher
Participants: Edna Blanchfield, Sharon Berube, Kay Winters, Lou Herritt, Mike McGinnis, Josephine
Snow Climbing and Glacier Travel- Field Days!
Dates: April 13-14, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Brent Maier, Logan DeBoer, Jerry Cintron, Erin Carey, Casey Lammers, Josh Ashton,
Fish Creek Road, Sunset Hill Road
Date: April. 13th, 2019
Participants: Steve Schombel, Marianne Cassidy, David and Julie Kahl
I like when an otherwise casual hike
Ward Mountain, Bitterroots, BC Ski
Date: April 6, 2019
Trip Leader: Susanna Girolamo Phillips
Participants: Minot, Mick, Jenica
On Saturday four of us adventured out
Little St. Joe Cabin
Trip Leader: Fintan Maguire
Date: March 1-3
Attendees: Joshua Phillips, Carl Sunderman, Peter Gorza, Ted Morrison, Forest Dean
Originally the
Mini Gash Point BC Ski, Bitterroots
Date: February 16, 2019
Trip Leader: Susanna Girolamo and Paul Jensen
Participants: Joshua Phillips, Adam D, Malcolm L, Richard S,
Level 1 Avalanche Course
Dates: January 31- February 3, 2019
Participants: Michael Langguth, Mary Langguth, Damon Anderson, Gunnar Ulberg, Nick Pritchard, Kelsey Wellington, TJ
Pistol Creek Lookout Snowshoe, Arlee
Date: February 2, 2019
Trip Leader: Laurel Vielle
Attendees: Alden Wright, Oliver Serang, Jenny Freudenburg, Greg and Cecilia Notess, and
Stonewall Creek Backcountry Skiing
Date: January 26, 2019
Trip Leader: Joshua Phillips
Attendees: Minot Maser, Thomas, Paul Jensen
Minot, Josh, Thomas and I drove
Hyalite Canyon/Ice Climbing Trip
Date: January 26-27, 2019
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Steve Hancock, Megan Monahan, Logan DeBoer, Bjorn Nabozney, Joren Nabozney, Frank Dean
Grand Teton – Upper Exum Climb, III, 5.7
Date: July 2018
Trip Leader: Joshua Phillips
Attendees: Fintan Maguire
Fintan Maguire and I teamed up for this trip to
Little St Joe Cabin
Date: Jan 11 – 13
Trip Leader: Paul Jensen
Attendees: Doug Grisham, Fred McDonald, Forest Dean, Brent Meyer, Fintan Magurie, Minot
Bell Mountain attempt (Lemhi Range)
Date: January 5-6, 2019
Participants: Forest Dean and Tom Herwerden
Bell Mountain (11,612’) is a beautiful and prominent peak
SOLSTICE SKI at Chief Joseph Ski Area
Date: December 22, 2018
Trip Leader: Elizabeth Moore
Participants: Alden Wright, Bryan Kercher, Astrid Moore
When I had the opportunity
Mission Falls/Ice Climbing
Date: December 29, 2018
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Megan Monahan, Dillon Burke
Megan, Dillon and I met up at
Finley Creek/Ice Climbing
Date: December 22, 2018
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Tom Herwerden, Logan DeBoer, Bjorn Nabozney, Joren Nabozney
As part of
Crystal Amphitheatre, XC Ski
Trip Leader: Alden Wright
Participants: Lisa Roberson, Tess Sneeringer, Bill Goslin.
I learned of this trip
Bozeman Ice Festival
Date: December 5-9
Participants: Susanna Phillips, Brent Maier, Abby Stensland, Bjorn Nabozney, Joshua Phillips, Minot Maser, Megan Monahan, Elizabeth Moore,
Lolo Pass
Date: Dec. 9th, 2018
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Participants: Lois Crepeau, Kristi DuBois, Leta Brown, Steve Schombel, Alden Wright, David
Lolo Pass
Date: Nov. 25th, 2018
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Participants: Maria Cassidy, David & Julie Kahl
On this incredibly beautiful day
McLeod Peak (Rattlesnake)
Date: October 27, 2018
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Bryan Kercher, Tom Herwerden, Dori Gilels
The four of us met at
Stuart Peak, Rattlesnake
Date: October 12-13, 2018
Leader: Eric Jones
Participant: Isaac Jones
In order to improve our chances of summitting this peak
Blodgett/Mill Creek Circuit + Blodgett Mountain, Bitterroots
Date: October 20, 2018
Leader: Forest Dean
Participant: Bryan Kercher
Bryan and I met at Mill Creek Trailhead at 6:
Castle Crag, Bitterroots
Date: 10/14/18
Trip leader: Laurel Vielle
Attendees: Brittany Bauer, Dell and Gail Meuchel, Nick Pritchard, Laurel Vielle, Robin
TRM Cabin Workday
Date: October 6, 2018
Participants: Paul Jensen, Maria Cassidy, Doug Grisham, Dave Fox, Dave Kahl, Julie Kahl, Lance Cherry, Rosemary
Return To Nemote Creek
Date: Oct. 14th, 2018
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Participants: Maria Cassidy, David Kahl
I never was sure who it was
Sweeney Peak, Bitterroots
Date: September 26, 2018
Trip leader: Vick Applegate
Participants: Edna Blanchfield, Eileen McGurty and Samson, Tom Shreve, Vick Applegate
Spotted Dog Drainage, Spotted Dog WMA
Date: Sept. 15th, 2018
Participants: Lance Cherry, David & Julie Kahl
The Spotted Dog, a drainage that flows into The
Triangle Peak, Rattlesnake
Date: September 8, 2018
Trip Leader and Participant: Forest Dean
Perhaps the late notice did not attract any attention, or
14th Annual Glacier Classic - August 17-19, 2018
Bryan Kercher Photo.
The 14thAnnual Classic saw the second best attendance ever with 32 folks participating. What a great weekend
Adventures Up Rock Creek
Date: July 22, 23
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
This trip has been fluid from the start. Alden and Sally W.
Bozeman Ice Festival
Date: December 6-10, 2017
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Susanna Phillips, Brent Maier, Abby Stensland, Quentin Rhoades, Bjorn Nabozney, Gunnar
Mink Peak Spires - Bitterroots
Date: August 4-5, 2018
Participants: Forest Dean and Brent Maier
For the fourth time in the last 4 years I
Spire Rock, Climbing Weekend
Date: July 22-23, 2017
Trip Leader: Joshua Phillips
The Spire Rock climbing weekend turned into a great ladies trip with
Mountaineer Peak, Missions
Date: 7/14/18
Trip Leader: Laurel Vielle
Attendees: Fintan Maguire, Steve Dagger, Robin Young
Forest asked me to step
Hidden Lake and Glen Lake Peak, Bitterroots
Date: July 14, 2018
Trip leader: Alden Wright
Attendees: Edna Blanchfield, Todd Kaye, LC Robertson
I advertised this as a
St. Joseph Peak, Bitterroots
Date: June 24, 2018
Trip Leader: Susanna Girolamo Phillips,
Participants: Joshua Phillips, Adam Drobish, Valer Roman-Cruz & Sam
Saint Joseph’
Hidden Lake and Glen Lake Peak, Bitterroots
Date: July 14, 2018
Trip leader: Alden Wright
Attendees: Edna Blanchfield, Todd Kaye, LC Robertson
I advertised this as a
Point Six, Rattlesnake
Trip Leader – Eric Jones
Participants – Isaac Jones, Ryan and Jenny Montgomery, Greg Lovellette, Bob, Ben, Max and Nick Carter
McLeod Peak, Rattlesnake
Date: July 8, 2018
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Participants: Jen Bardsley, Susanna Girolamo, and Leah Samberg
I listed this trip
Point Six, Rattlesnake
Trip Leader – Eric Jones
Participants – Isaac Jones, Ryan and Jenny Montgomery, Greg Lovellette, Bob, Ben, Max and Nick Carter
Chpaaqn Peak Hike
Date: June 2, 2018
Trip Leader: Laurel Vielle
Attendees: Don Arthur, Jim Valentine, Dell and Gail Meuchel, Robin Young, Lou
Wild Horse Island
Date: 6/30/2018
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Participants: Steve Schombel, Dave Robertson, Maria Cassidy, Becky & Gary Jones, David
West Trapper Peak (Peak 9772’), Bitterroots
Date: July 1, 2018
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Brent Maier
This trip was scheduled for two weeks later, but
Wild Horse Island
Date: 6/30/2018
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Participants: Steve Schombel, Dave Robertson, Maria Cassidy, Becky & Gary Jones, David
Castle Reef and Sawtooth Ridge-North: Rocky Mountain Front
Date: June 22-24, 2018
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Attendees: Fintan Maguire and Dave Patterson
This past weekend I lead a
Mt. Idaho (Lost River Range)
Date: June 8-9, 2018
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Minot Maser and Quentin Rhoades
At 12,065’, Mt. Idaho is the
Chpaaqn Peak Hike
Date: June 2, 2018
Trip Leader: Laurel Vielle
Attendees: Don Arthur, Jim Valentine, Dell and Gail Meuchel, Robin Young, Lou
Rattler Gulch Climbing
Date: May 27, 2018
Leader: Kelsey Wellington
Participants: Alice Gustafson, Logan DeBoer, Casey Brown, Michael Pronzato
With a sudden opening
Black Mountain (Southwest Ridge)
Participants- Isaac and Eric Jones
Because of my late posting, some interested folks weren’t able to make this trip.
McDonald Peak (Mission Mtns)
Date: May 20, 2018
Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Quentin Rhoades and Ron Oman
Looking for a little different approach to
Black Mountain (Southwest Ridge)
Participants- Isaac and Eric Jones
Because of my late posting, some interested folks weren’t able to make this trip.
Pinball Wizard Chute (and Little St. Joe), Bitterroots
Date: May 5, 2018
Trip leader: Joshua Phillips
Attendees: John Bardsley, Adam Drobish, Minot Maser
The third TRM trip on
Trapper Peak - Bitterroots
Date: May 5, 2018.
Leader: Alden Wright
Participants: Julie Huck, Suzanne Panzica, Anne Yoncha, Bryan Kercher, Aaron Baldwin, Michael Riley,
Kootenai Canyon Rock Climbing
Date: May 5, 2018
Leaders: Kelsey Wellington and Forest Dean
Participants: Alice Gustafson, Sierra Lake, Logan DeBoer, Casey Brown, Tom
Trapper Peak- Bitterroots
Date: April 28, 2018
Participants: Forest Dean, Quentin Rhoades
Quentin and I met on the south side of Missoula at
Petty Mountain
Date: April 21, 2018
Trip Leader: Alden Wright
Participants: Julie Huck, Kathy York, David Chapman, Edna Blanchfield, Marrea Matthews, Carolyn
Snow Climbing and Glacier Travel- Field Days!
Dates: April 21-22, 2018
Leaders: Quentin Rhoades, Forest Dean
Participants: Tom Herwerden, Lou Herritt, Diana Diakow, Andy Coe, Cali Caughie
Sweeny Peak, Bitterroots
Date: April 23, 2018
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Attendees: Fintan Maguire and Leland Earle
We lucked out with a bluebird
Woodman School Hike
Date: April 15th, 2018
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Participants: Lois Crepeau, Steve Schombel, Dave Roberson, David Kahl, Julie Kahl
Mink Peak Spires (Attempt)- Bitterroots
Date: April 15, 2018
Participants: Dan Escalante, Tom Herwerden, Forest Dean
Three years ago I climbed the 9363’ high point
Woodman School Hike
Date: April 15th, 2018
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Participants: Lois Crepeau, Steve Schombel, Dave Roberson, David Kahl, Julie Kahl
Gash Point, Bitterroots
Date: April 7, 2018
Trip Leaders: Joshua Philips and Susanna Girolamo
Attendees: John Bardsley and Fintan Maguire
This turned out
East St. Mary’s Peak (Mission Mtns)
Date: March 25, 2018
Participants: Forest Dean and Tom Herwerden
This trip was originally scheduled for the previous Sunday but
Ward Mountain, Bitterroots
On March 10, a solid crew of 6 headed up the northeast ridge of Ward Mountain for a multi-purpose outing:
Chief Joseph Stay
Date: Feb. 27 & 28th, 2018
As is our custom everybody went up to the Chief Joseph Cross-Country Ski area
Bass Creek BC Ski
Sunday, February 25th
Trip Leader: Joshua Phillips
Trask Baughman joined Joshua for this quick ski up Bass Creek to resupply
Mission Falls Ice Climbing
Date: March 3-4, 2018
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Tom Herwerden, Chad Atwood, Steve Hancock, Dan Escalante, Michael Duncan, Jerry
Bass Creek BC Ski
Sunday, February 25th
Trip Leader: Joshua Phillips
Trask Baughman joined Joshua for this quick ski up Bass Creek to resupply
Hyalite Ice Clinic Weekend
Date: February 16-18, 2018
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Megan Monahan, Jerry Cintron, Steve Hancock, Chad Atwood, Quentin Rhoades
Pack Creek, Lolo Pass
Date: Sun. Feb. 11th, 2018
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
The Irish traditional music tune Cold Frosty Morning kept going through
Finley Creek Ice Climbing, Rattlesnake
Date: February 3, 2018
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Tom Herwerden, Brent Maier
This was an unannounced trip that came
Mill Point, Bitterroot
Date: 2/3/2018
Trip leader: Joshua Phillips & Susanna Girolamo
Participants: John Bardsley, Dan Escalante, Eric Munsing, and Kylie
Finley Creek Ice Climbing, Rattlesnake
Date: February 3, 2018
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Tom Herwerden, Brent Maier
This was an unannounced trip that came
Little Saint Joe Cabin/Ski
Date: January 26 – 28, 2018, Trip Leader: Paul Jensen
This trip seemed to come together somewhat at
Stonewall Creek, Lincoln
Date: January 20, 2018
Trip Leaders: Joshua Philips and Susanna Girolamo
Four of us carpooled from Missoula and met up
Hyalite Canyon Ice Climbing Trip
Date: January 13-14, 2018
Participants: Forest Dean and Tom Herwerden
This trip was only listed about 12 days before it
Bozeman Ice Festival
Date: December 6-10, 2017
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Susanna Phillips, Brent Maier, Abby Stensland, Quentin Rhoades, Bjorn Nabozney, Gunnar
Lolo Pass Xcountry Ski
Date: December 16, 2017
Trip Leader: Alden Wright
Attendees: Oliver Serang and Roy Regel
Lolo pass had about 6 inches
Lolo Pass Winter Outing
Date: Dec. 10th 2017
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Attendees: Roy Regel, David Kahl
These dreary, annoying inversions in the Missoula
Finley Creek/Ice Climbing
Date: December 2, 2017
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Tom Herwerden, Fintan Macguire, Susanna Phillips, Brent Maier
After a promising
Lolo Pass Winter Outing
Date: Nov. 26th, 2017
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Attendees: Alden Wright, Steve Scheirer, Dave Robertson, Tom Herwerder, and David Kahl
Spotted Dog WMA
Date: Oct. 15th, 2017
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Attendees: Lois Crepeau, David Kahl, Dave Robertson
If one could order a
Cabin Work Party
Date: Oct. 7th, 2017
Attendees: Julie & David Kahl, Paul Jensen, Doug Grisham, Lois Crepeau
First the news everyone is
Canyon Peak, Bitterroots
Saturday: August 26, 2017
Leader: Joshua Phillips, Co-leader Susanna Girolamo,
Attendees: Fintan Maguire
At 6:15AM we started out at
Nelson Spring/Mulchy Gulch, Garnet Mountains
Date: September 24, 2017
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Other than to see a local sight, this trip had a secondary
Canyon Peak, Bitterroots
Saturday: August 26, 2017
Leader: Joshua Phillips, Co-leader Susanna Girolamo,
Attendees: Fintan Maguire
At 6:15AM we started out at
Sheep Mountain, Rattlesnake
Date: September 16, 2017
Trip Leader: Alden Wright
Attendees: Edna Blanchfield, Dave Robertson, Oliver Serang
Sheep Mountain is known for
An Attempt at Koch Peak, Bitterroots
Date: September 16, 2017
Trip Organizer: John Bardsley
Attendees: Kara Daume, Fintan Maguire, Jen Meyer-Vaughan, Elizabeth Moore
This trip was
Glacier Classic, Day 2: Split Mountain
Date: August 19, 2017
Trip Leader: Joshua Philips
Partner/Author: Chris Dunn
If there is such a thing as a
Mount Assiniboine, Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Park, Canadian Rockies
Date: August 31- September 4, 2017
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Fintan Maguire, Quentin Rhoades
One of the most striking
Glacier Classic, Day 2: Reynolds Mountain
Date: August 19, 2017
Trip Leader: Susanna Girolamo
It was cloudy and windy as we got to Logan Pass. All
Granite Peak, Beartooth Range
Date: August 11-13, 2017
Trip Leader: Joshua Philips
Attendees: Finatan Maguire and Chris Dunn
On Friday, August 18th Joshua Philips
Glacier Classic, Day 3: The Trifecta (Piegan, Pollock, Bishops Cap)
Date: August 20, 2017
Trip Leader: The Rocky Mountaineers
Attendees: Jen Bardsley, John Bardsley, Jim Goss, Forest Dean, Monica Roscoe,
Glacier Classic, Day 2: Citadel Mountain
Date: August 19, 2017
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
Participants: Bryan Kercher, John Bardsley
The three of us got started at
Glacier Classic, Day 2: Iceberg Lake
Date: Aug. 19th 2017
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
Like sometimes happens on my trips this hike got divided into two
Glacier Classic, Day 2: Piegan Mountain
Date: August 19, 2017
Trip Leader: Alden Wright
Attendees: Andy Coe, Elias Coe, Oliver Serang, Alden Wright
Vick Applegate was
Glacier Classic, Day 3: The Trifecta (Piegan, Pollock, Bishops Cap)
Date: August 20, 2017
Trip Leader: The Rocky Mountaineers
Attendees: Jen Bardsley, John Bardsley, Jim Goss, Forest Dean, Monica Roscoe,
Glacier Classic, Day 1: Mount Grinnell
The summiteers: Me, Forest, Roger, and Bryan. Bryan Kercher photo.
Date: August 18, 2017
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Attendees: Jen
The Tusk (South Chaffin Peak), Bitterroots
Date: July 22, 2017
Trip Leader: Forest Dean
This trip had originally been scheduled to take place on the second
Adventures Up Rock Creek
Date: July 22, 23
Trip Leader: Julie Kahl
This trip has been fluid from the start. Alden and Sally W.
Holland Peak, Swan Range
Date: July 8, 2017
Trip Leader: Brent Maier
Photos and Write-up by Bryan Kercher
I met Brent, Abby Stensland, Forest
Spire Rock, Climbing Weekend
Date: July 22-23, 2017
Trip Leader: Joshua Phillips
The Spire Rock climbing weekend turned into a great ladies trip with
Fisher Peak, Swan Range
Date: July 15, 2017
Trip Leader: John Bardsley
Our group on the summit of Fisher Peak. Bryan Kercher photo.